Being young and having the opportunity to study abroad- especially in a cultural hub like Australia, is the biggest experience you can seize in your life. However, the onset of overseas education entails living alone (maybe for the first time), making friends from around the world and adapting to a different education and lifestyle. Therefore,

When you study abroad, you’re exposed to different cultures all the time and incorporating new words in everyday conversations can be a difficult task – especially if you don’t know the roots (source or etymology) of words. It is true that there is no substitute to taking a course in language when you study overseas,

Australian higher education has become one of the world’s most coveted education systems for students planning to study abroad. This is because of Australia’s robust economy, diversity in universities and the plethora of courses they offer. Due to these reasons- and several others, Australia is one of the top choices that foreign education consultants give

Top Australian Universities

Thursday, 04 August 2016 by

When you think of Australia, images of sunny beaches, exotic animals and water sports evoke your mind. However, Australia has something bigger to offer- their excellent higher education system. Australia has exemplary institutions to offer if you have decided to study abroad for higher education. Overseas education is a delight in Australia- known for its

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Money Management is the biggest lesson life teaches when you go for a study abroad. There are lines that you learn to draw between the finances that you spend on survival essentials, whimsical wants, and all that you need to save to accomplish your aim of living the lifestyle that you’re most comfortable with when

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Standardised exams are an essential component if you are planning to study abroad. Students have to take it at different levels, whether it is during your high school to do your undergraduate degree to study overseas, or afterwards to pursue further studying. Standardised tests like GRE, GMAT and TOEFL are used for masters in USA,

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The W effect of Studying Abroad

Wednesday, 27 July 2016 by

If you thought finding the perfect course in the college of your preference at the most affordable fee in just about the right time is a task that requires loads of hard work and tons of patience, you might feel greatly astonished after you set your first step in college. You might even feel emotionally

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Friday, 15 July 2016 by

There are many stages to prepare for your study abroad which include career guidance, preparing a common application and giving the required exams. Ideally, you would start by seeking an education counsellor who guides you for the rest of the year- which courses to choose, which universities to select etc. Thereafter, when all decisions pertaining

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Day 1 – Dream Come True. You’re finally on your own in a place where you know no one. There’s a crazy sense of satisfaction for having put a feather on your family crown because you feel like they’d be so proud. There’s an enormous sense of freedom, because you’re starting a new life and

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What Should High School Students Do Over the Summer?: College admissions are getting more and more competitive. Only school grades are no longer an indicator of an impressive application. Using summer vacation time purposefully can get your application to the top of the heap. Here are 6 ways for High School students to make best