by / Friday, 29 July 2016 / Published in Blogs

Standardised exams are an essential component if you are planning to study abroad. Students have to take it at different levels, whether it is during your high school to do your undergraduate degree to study overseas, or afterwards to pursue further studying. Standardised tests like GRE, GMAT and TOEFL are used for masters in USA, masters in Canada and other overseas university. It is highly advisable to seek an overseas education consultant who can provide the right career guidance and detailed overview of which standardised test to take to pursue your study abroad. Likewise, here are some common tips which will help you to crack these tests and make your application excel!

1. Understand the test you are taking

All standardised tests have a specific format. Moreover, different standardised tests are used at different stages. Therefore, seek an advice from an overseas education consultant– especially if you are seeking a masters in USA or masters in Canada. Do you require a GMAT or GRE, for instance? Do you need an English- proficiency test, like IELTS or TOEFL? Do you require an IELTS or TOEFL for your university application? An overseas education consultant can provide you with these answers. Once you know which test to be taken, acquaint yourself with its format- is it a paper- based test or a computer- based examination? All standardised tests follow a particular format and once you are acquainted with the format it is very easy to practice and become an expert! Also be careful if there is a negative point for an incorrect answer! Small details like these can help you ace these tests and make your goal to study abroad come true.

2. Practice well

Standardised tests are mainly based on your performance in a time constraint. They generally do not move from the designed format or ask for particularly hard questions. Therefore, through regular practice you can achieve a good score. For example, take sample tests in real time test duration to assess your average score. Practice sections which are particularly hard to ace these exams! Regular practice, for instance, is more effective than short- term preparation so start practicing a few weeks prior to the exam.

Also read: Appearing for SAT? Download These Apps!

3. Spread your work smartly

It is obvious that whenever you are preparing for these exams, there are other things happening consequently. For instance, while preparing for GMAT or GRE for a masters in USA you might be giving your final bachelor exams or writing your thesis. Therefore, spread your way smartly- use different sources to study for these exams, take small breaks so that you do not have a burnout and do not cram a lot of things on one day. Try to relax a day before the exam so that you do not stress.


Literally every standardised test has a major section which assesses your language and grammatical skills. English is, of course, a major component when you decide to study abroad. This can be assessed through vocabulary questions, grammar exercise or essay writing. Majority of students decide to use vocabulary cards and do infinite exercises for grammar but what has shown a noticeable difference is to read everything! Newspapers, textbooks or novels- these enable you to involuntarily strengthen your language skills and even inspire you for essay writing!

Hopefully these helpful tips will help to study overseas and enter the path of success!

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