by / Monday, 19 February 2024 / Published in Blogs, Expert Advice, Study Abroad


For many students, the allure of overseas education is truly enchanting, and it has evolved into a cultural movement. However, despite all the buzz and excitement in a country like India, there is still a need for more awareness and access to these resources. With only 2 million students going abroad to enhance their career prospects, considering the 1.4 billion population, there is a long way to go in progress.

A person pointing at a computer while smiling

If you’re a young person just out of school or stuck in jobs  with limited opportunities to grow, overseas education possibilities are the key to reaching your potential. The question that reins in many minds is:

How does one connect with Global Learning Advisors and choose the trusted path to career transformations?

This blog delves into overseas education with our expert consultancy for every stage of life you may be in. We have crafted this blog in alignment with expert advisors, aiming to exponentially boost your personal and professional journey.

For Undergraduates

It is the juncture where many students are raw and ready to be moulded, exploring their life outside their comfort zone. Most students traverse and embark on their overseas experiences. Connecting with educational consultants is the best way to attain prolonged career success.  

Here are some of the popular programs that undergraduates are selecting for their overseas journey:

  • Bachelor in Computer Science and Technology
  • Bachelor in Business and Management
  • Bachelor of Law
  • Bachelor of Medicine
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts

The requirements to get into a foreign university can differ depending on whether the board for your schooling is recognized by the institute. If there is some gap, you may be required to take exams like the SAT, ACT, and other popular offerings. The disadvantage is that if your financial situation is not up to par, you may be forced to immediately jump into a job to deal with student loans.

For Graduates

One of the most potent ways to accelerate your career in upper management is a business master’s degree. You can pursue an MBA in various fields or opt for a double MBA, one from your domestic college and one internationally.

A master’s degree often signifies expertise, and one can anticipate a significant pay increase. Here are some courses that are popular among Indian students:

  • Master’s in Computer Sciences
  • Master’s in Psychology
  • Master’s in Engineering & Technology
  • Master’s in Management & Leadership
  • Master’s in Law

Various scholarships, loans, and financial aid are available to help fund an expensive overseas education. Post-master’s, PhD and other programs that delve into an academic route are open for you. However, very few venture into the teaching progression, so we’ll focus on the popular options.

Meet your overseas education consultants for exam prep, like the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, etc, to aid you in your journey.

Short-Term Programs

If you are already working and pursuing an extended program overseas may seem daunting, then you might be interested in a short-term opportunity. The good news is that top universities worldwide offer endless skill enhancement options and can be equally rewarding.

A woman in a graduation gown holding a diploma degree

The duration of these programs ranges from 1 to 18 months, focusing primarily on obtaining international accreditations. They boast a high Return on Investment (ROI) and boost your prospects. Furthermore, they have a more straightforward documentation process and are easier to accept into a program.

It can also be an ideal educational trip for individuals passionate about their hobbies or seeking to expand their knowledge.

Contact Nischay Educorp to meet exceptional overseas education consultants for advisory.

Pairing Programs

Many individuals often explore pairing their programs to enjoy the benefits of different degrees and fields of study. Here are some famous examples of how programs can overlap and enhance each other:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Economics and Psychology
  • Foreign Language and Political Science
  • Computer Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
  • Law and Accounting

While each field of study has a distinct value, combining them unlocks unique opportunities and benefits lucrative to large corporations. If you are already a graduate, look at the prospects in this manner: A domestic degree can serve as the foundation, and overseas education serves as a way to further extrapolate the benefits.

Top 2 Benefits Of Overseas Education

While we have outlined various trusted paths that one can walk with the guidance of overseas education consultants, you may still have many doubts:

Is it worth the investment to go to foreign countries?

What are the advantages of overseas education?

Is it worth the risk and challenges to go abroad?

You may know the answers to some of these questions, but we want to further remind you and cement the benefits of building confidence. Here are some significant advantages associated with international programs that are impossible with your homegrown education.

International Exposure

Exposure to the global community through students travelling from unknown countries expands your network. You will get acquainted with exceptionally talented and hardworking students aiming to achieve greatness in life.

When one passes out of the prestigious colleges, you will have memories and lifelong connections that stay with you. An overseas education support system is there for you through the uncharted waters of the international economy.  

Push through your comfort zone and dream big.

Enhancing Skill Set

Quality education is a by-product of the proximity and the environment one is brought up into. For some lucky few, the world’s finest and most prestigious institutes are just nearby; for others, it requires them to go overseas. Your growth potential and development are often limited by the existing infrastructure.

A notebook with a pen and a notepad with skills written on it

Henceforth, Overseas Education Consultants work incredibly hard to push your boundaries and provide the perfect launchpad for a lifelong, enriching experience. Do not remain limited by the environment you were born into, and avail every opportunity to expand your potential beyond what you believe is possible.


You have now explored all the paths the finest Overseas Education Consultants have laid out. There is never one proven path in the educational journey; every individual has challenges and opportunities. It’s essential to self-evaluate yourself with an educational consultant’s help. 

Question yourself, where you must push yourself, and how studying abroad helps you expand your knowledge.

There is never a guarantee in the quest for greatness. One may fall or get down, but it is better to chart the path than never. The educational journey never waits for anyone; lessons await you at every turn. 

  • Understand yourself
  • Select the right course 
  • Get guidance from an educational counsellor 
  • Stay the course with determination 

Success is an inevitable by-product of you challenging yourself and building the bridge to learning.

FAQ( Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1) Why Should You Hire An Overseas Education Consultancy?

Ans: By hiring an overseas education consultancy, you are guaranteed access to exceptional knowledge, experience, and connections for studying abroad programs. They ease your pain points, whether it’s documentation, planning for exams, or simply laying out a proven path to walk upon. They can exponentially increase your chances of securing the dream seat in your college of choice.

Q2) What Do Overseas Education Consultants Do?

Ans: They’re fundamentally a Swiss army knife, from consultation, preparation, and guidance to helping with documentation. Overseas Education Consultants tactfully adapt to the student’s problem with one aim: getting the desired admission placement.

Q3) Which is the cheapest country for study?

Ans: Countries like Germany, Malaysia, France, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, and Canada are ideal destinations with affordable education and exceptional educational facilities. Check for popular grants and scholarships, as they can significantly reduce costs while opening up many options.

Q4) How can a poor student study abroad?

Ans: Scholarships and grants are the best way for a student of an underprivileged background to achieve a study abroad program. Get in touch with your Education consultant to learn more about the possibilities.

Q5) How do I convince students to study abroad?

Ans: The ideal way to convince your parents to allow for study abroad programs is by showcasing the statistics or cases of young people in the extended family studying. A personal emotional request is extremely persuasive with a trusted path in front of them.