by / Tuesday, 13 February 2024 / Published in Blogs, Expert Advice, Study Abroad


Planning your study abroad journey is a daunting task that requires intricate planning and guidance to achieve your goals.

Making the right decisions according to your aptitude and skills to navigate the uncharted waters of foreign lands is critical. Post-high school, a protective layer is removed when going to college, and that is an integral part of the journey to adulthood. Some can quickly become part of the foreign culture, while others struggle to evolve. You can increase your success chances and become mentally strong with vital preparations.


In this blog, we’ll review the essential fundamentals one must master to achieve study abroad goals. Furthermore, we’ll answer all your questions to better assist you.

Essential Factors for Starting Study Abroad Program

Factor-1: Get your finances in order

For Indian students studying abroad and striving to succeed, financial challenges pose a crucial barrier. In a globalised world, students are more than ever getting enticed by foreign dreams, with the number of international students reaching a staggering 2 million in 2025. Furthermore, banks and governments have significantly relaxed loan instruments, leading to an exponential increase in ease for education abroad.

A young schoolgirl holding a toy airplane and a globe

While all these aspects signal a promising and bright future ahead, it is essential to stay well-prepared for the trials & tribulations of global economics. Due to war or uncertainties in global trade, limited employment opportunities can be a prevailing reality. Furthermore, competition and personal issues can impact your financial health.

Education is the key to personal enrichment, but relying too much on factors beyond your control can put you in a challenging situation.

Here are some popular ways to build a protective shield for your financial health:

1. Hybrid Finances: Avoid depending solely on loans; blend in your savings for enhanced benefits. Opt for a fixed-interest rate loan to prevent defaulting on premiums.

2. Part-time Skills: Acquire lucrative side skills that can benefit your career experience and financial stability.

3. Minimal Lifestyle: Avoid frivolous purchases and the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) mindset many students develop when they first receive their paycheck.

Sacrifices made today will pay off your future debts.

Factor-2: Prep for Documentation

Documentation is one of the most valuable things in foreign lands, and not having them in order can lead to severe stress. Take stock of college documents, visas, passports, residences, college IDs, high school documents, and much more—they ensure smooth admissions transitions.

A cup of coffee, a Passport, and a calculator with a Visa Application Form on table

Hire an educational counsellor to better guide you through the intricacies of the documentation and aid you through the challenges. A study abroad consultant has connections within different institutions and has conducted the same process for thousands of students globally.

Henceforth, it is worth the investment and can be beneficial in the long term.

Also Read: Study Abroad Counselling: Expert Tips for Success

Factor-3 Language Proficiency

English is the accepted international language for most institutions and students looking to study abroad, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The world is more expansive than the popular English-speaking countries like Canada, Australia, the USA, and New Zealand, which most Indian students tend to select as their default study destination.

A lady holding a cup of coffee and smiling while talking with another lady

The best educational counsellor educates and guides young students into engaging with lucrative opportunities in countries that are lesser known.

For example, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Norway all provide ample opportunities to study for 100% free tuition for talented students. It’s essential not to limit your growth because of the language barrier, which is easily overcome with the advent of technology and making effort. Utilise Google Translate, Duolingo, or any apps available on your phone to help you learn and adapt.

Get Nischay Educational Consultant to aid in your preparation for overseas study.

Factor-4 Medical Support

Without health, there is no wealth. It is a common saying that all your parents have imparted, but that cannot be more true when studying abroad. In most foreign countries, healthcare is expensive, leading to missed classes, financial pains, and much more. Long waiting lines can cause significant delays and issues can arise even in countries with government-supported health care.

A girl holding a stethoscope

Get  flu shots and vaccines from your home country to ensure you are well-prepared. Access a good health insurance provider and carry prescription medicines from your home country to lower the medical costs.

If you have a history of medical issues, ensure they are adequately covered under the health plan, and keep getting regular checkups.

Factor-5 Scholarship Programs

Scholarship programs are not just money-saving instruments for international students; they serve as a prestigious student accolade. It showcases that you are a distinguished and illustrious student that any employer would be lucky to have in their firm.

A woman in a graduation gown holding a diploma degree

Here are some popular scholarship programs that Indian students to take advantage of and enhance their financial and career prospects:

1. Tata scholarships

2. Inlaks scholarships

3. Commonwealth Scholarship

4. CLP India Scholarship Scheme

5. National Overseas Scholarship

6. GREAT Scholarships India

7. Chevening Scholarship

8. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship

9. Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarship

Factor-6 Job Prospects

When international students spend years studying and working alongside peers to enhance their skills, they naturally wish to live in the country and continue their ongoing lifestyle. For Indian students there is additional incentive to earn in dollars, euros, and pounds, returning the earnings to their families and taking advantage of the networking throughout their lifetime.

When looking at a country to study, comprehensive research is needed to examine its programmes or facilities, the placement rate, and future job opportunities. Explore the livability and nightlife, and immerse in the natural beauty to better imagine the prospect of making the shift.

Even if you’re interested in returning to your home country, it is still recommended to select the city and country and study abroad from the point of view of future immigration prospects.

Factor-7 Networking and Student Aids

Being able to study abroad is not an academic excursion; instead, it is the journey of a lifetime with your fellow classmates from different countries. The connection, exposure, and cultural exchange can enrich you in both a personal and professional capacity. It makes one more cognizant of the world and makes them a true global citizen.

Many students start their own entrepreneurial efforts or get connections into lucrative jobs. One must consider the ratio of international students in the classroom and the number of students from your country. Furthermore, ask the question and explore how your college empowers you?

Factor-8 Transfer Credit

It is essential if you have some credits from your college and want to transfer them to study abroad, college, or vice versa. It can ease your college life and bring flexibility, which can be a pivotal aspect in selecting the right college. You can finish your programmes faster, get into advanced programmes, and fine-tune every aspect of the curriculum.

Factor-9 Cultural Check

Every college and country has its own forms of culture and tradition they follow, which can be significantly different and unique from your own. Before journeys, delve into the intricacies and become more acquainted with how they conduct and communicate.

You have to be respectful and avoid any form of action or use of words or gestures that may be inappropriate. As you become immersed in the culture, you will become clear about whether it is a place that attracts and excites you.

If you do not feel the connection, searching for other countries is preferable, as you’ll spend years of your life in a different world and culture. It is essential to feel uplifted and seen rather than being homesick.

Factor-10 Career Advancement

Every course is a step for you to go deeper into the topics and skills to further enhance and polish your abilities. Inquiring and exploring all the opportunities to further advance your career is essential. Furthermore, cross-pollinating within different courses allows you to approach and explore unique possibilities.

For example, many students pair marketing and an MBA to boost their profile, and it helps them become part of management plus get in-depth with enhancing a brand. A college that simply is best for one specific field and does not have diverse course options might not best fit into your goals.


You have learned about the top 10 things to consider when studying abroad. Knowing many ways to achieve your goals and become successful is essential. A foreign education and all the guidance simply give you the tools to be the best version of yourself. However, the path to the educational journey depends on you.

How does one best use their opportunities? Do they build the right relationship and are strategic in every aspect? Do you intimately understand the policies of the country, colleges and employers?

Keep upskilling yourself and build a career path upon which you have the confidence and the fortitude to walk. Factor in aspects where flexibility is crucial to ensure you have options if certain things don’t pan out.

Be prepared for everything and stay optimistic, fueled to chase your dreams

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Question 1: What are the main benefits of studying abroad? 

Answer: Accessing the best study facilities, cultural exposure, unique experiences, independence, and networking opportunities are key benefits of studying abroad.

Question 2: What are the factors affecting studying abroad?

Answer: Your educational qualifications, communication skills, financial background, and medical history influence your study abroad programme.

Question 3: What must you consider if you are considering studying abroad? 

Answer: Is the programme you selected the right fit for your character? Is the country and the college you choose best for the said programme? Are there opportunities post-college and unique courses to pair with the programme?

You need to identify and delve into all these aspects.

Question 4: Is studying abroad stressful? 

Answer: Yes, it can be a stressful experience for many students, but all significant challenges and achievements have only been accomplished through challenges. Positive stress can enhance your goal-seeking mindset and push you out of your comfort zone.

Studying abroad is the best way to polish and harness your skillset.